What we do...

Community Housing Partners serves low income families, many of whom were homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, by owning and developing affordable rental housing, and offering rehousing, case management and in a service-enriched environment.
Article 25. from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the
health and well-being of themselves and of their families,
including food, clothing, housing and medical care and
necessary social services, and the right to security in the event
of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age
or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond their



Since 1996, CHP had run a transitional housing program which offered rental assistance and services for up to two years. When the Plaza Townhomes were built in 2007, ten units were set-aside for the program to serve homeless families with children. Without the pressure of needing to make the full rental amount, parents were given the opportunity to shore up their education and/or work skill levels.
In March of 2018, CHP shifted our program to allow the ten families to make Plaza Townhomes their permanent home. The rents at Plaza are about 1/2 to 2/3 of the 2022 Fair Market Rents of $1,659 for a two-bedroom and $2,226 for a three-bedroom - providing our families a much more sustainable permanent home.
CHP is helping our new families remain stably housed, while expanding services to our other 20 Plaza Townhome and 60 Tollgate Creek households that may be at risk of eviction.
Due to this shift, we no longer provide rental assistance or transitional housing.
Please contact the Aurora Day Resource Center (ADRC) at 303-343-7808 (13387 E. 19th Pl, Aurora CO on the Fitzsimons Campus), or the Salvation Army-Aurora at 303-364-1965 (802 Quari Ct near on Del Mar Circle).

Plaza Townhomes at Macon and Moline
Plaza Townhomes was built in 2007 and has 30 townhome (2-story) style units. Plaza was built with safety in mind. It has parking garages and locked 2nd floor exterior play areas. Plaza is in Original Aurora so it is centrally located with access to transportation, the Anschutz Campus and nearby shopping.
For more information, call 303-343-3044.

Tollgate Creek
Tollgate Creek is a 60 unit complex where rents are project based on Section 8. In 2007, CHP purchased and rehabbed this entire complex built in 1980. It has spacious grounds, ample parking, a large play area, and an onsite laundry. It is next to Rangeview High School in East Aurora. The community is a mix of families and single adults who live in either apartments or two story townhome style units.
Currently the waitlist is closed. For information, call 303-696-0892.
CHP changes lives by offering the families safe and stable housing while giving them support, life skills and connections to resources that will allow them to gain employment and education.