to Community Housing Partners (CHP)
A Precious Child and Peace with Christ Lutheran Church have provided toys for children at CHP's Plaza Townhomes at Macon & Moline and Townhomes at Tollgate Creek. FirstBank donated gift cards for teens and grocery cards for families.
Families are still confronting hardships with inflation and unpaid bills. Please consider a donation to help at-risk families on Colorado Gives Day - December 10th - or anytime. For $25 you can help with groceries, $50 with utilities, and for $100+ you can help with rent:
December 10, 2024 -
Leasing nears completion for Eagle Meadow Homes
Brothers Property Management is on track
to have all 48 units in Building A leased up by
the end of 2024. The 45 units in Building B
are anticipated to fill by January 2025
(if not sooner).
The 93 units are between 30-60% AMI, with
11 units at 30%, 13at 40% AMI, 49 at 50%,
and 20 units at 60%. The average income
will be 48% of the AMI. The 30% and 40%
units are fully leased, with remaining units at
50-60% AMI.
Brothers Property Management is still taking
applications for the remaining units. If you
know of anyone who is interested, please
Eagle Meadow Homes Grand Opening on October 15
Ribbon Cutting with (L to R)
Arapahoe County Commissioner Bill
Holen, City of Aurora Mayor Mike
Coffman, Governor Jared Polis, and
State Senator Rhonda Fields.
On Tuesday, October 15th, CHP celebrated the
grand opening of our first 93 units of Eagle
Meadow Homes with an outdoor ribbon cutting
and remarks by Governor Polis, Mayor Coffman,
County Commissioner Holen, and State Senator
Fields. It was a sunny and mild afternoon and
an eagle was spotted flying overhead.
Later in the packed community room, guests
heard from Dave Bowman with DOLA, Steve
Johnson with CHFA, Jennie Rodgers with Enterprise
Community Partners, and our first resident Kimberly.
The Brothers Property Management team lead tours of several units, including furnished units for households at 30-40% of the Area Median Income (AMI).

Community Housing Partners
Serving Aurora Family Members...
Community Housing Partners serves low and moderate income families, many of whom were homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, by developing affordable rental housing, and offering rapid rehousing and supportive services.

Where it all began...
The Aurora Housing Corporation (AHC) was founded in 1985 as a 501(c)3 organization so it could access Federal dollars for the ongoing operation of its properties. This ability allowed AHC to keep its rents at an affordable level. For these past 37 years, it has been able to make this vision a reality. Until 2013, AHC was a sister organization to the Aurora Housing Authority (AHA) and as such it purchased and built several developments through this partnership.
Who are we today…
In 2013, AHC changed its name to Community Housing Partners and separated from AHA. As a stand-alone agency, CHP continues as a non-profit and has the same mission of ensuring safe affordable, service-enriched housing. As the City grows as a business and healthcare center, the housing needs are changing. CHP sees the need to keep an affordability level so that the lowest income and work force (moderate income) families are able to live and work there.
Who lives with us?
CHP houses many families who are in need of affordable rents due to a myriad of life circumstance. Some are refugees from various Asian and African nations. Others have been homeless due to recent circumstances such as the death of a spouse or leaving a domestic violence situation. Some have histories of being homeless with many internal barriers. Others earn low wages that don't support the market rate rents - by December 2022 the average rent in Aurora was $1,737 and higher in Denver at $1,994.
What is the issue for lower-income families?
HUD maintains that people should not have to spend more than 30% of their earnings on housing. So what does that mean to a family of 4? If a single head of a household with 3 children earning $12.56 an hour working full time, their gross income is $26,125 a year, and they gross $2,177 monthly. Can they afford to pay fair market rent for a 2 or 3 bedroom at $1,659 to 2,226 a month? Probably not. This forces them to use the bulk of their earnings just on rent. What about food.... clothing.... school supplies.... etc?
The 2023 INCOME Limits apply to our two
properties, based on the Low Income
Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program.
Plaza Townhomes at Macon & Moline also
follows the LIHTC RENT Limits and has an
open waitlist with occasional vacancies based
on the rents shown to the right.
Townhomes at Tollgate Creek is HUD Project
Based Section 8 so rents are limited to 30%
of household income, with a closed waitlist.